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Corollary #2 - A World That Doesn't Stop at Issue 1!

A Review of Issue #2 of SourcePoint Press' Corollary

Adam Rose, Robert Ahmad, and DC Hopkins are BACK with another phenomenal issue of Corollary!

That’s right- PHENOMENAL!

#1’s are often hard to follow up on, but this entire creative team makes it look easy!

Corollary Continues Full-Speed

If your twin dies, so do you. How is our main character, Andromeda, alive after her twin Cass dies?

At the end of Corollary's first issue, there was a twist; a twist that not only is timed well but serves to continue the plot of the story, rather than simply to surprise the audience and then quickly move on.

From the start of issue 2, this glorious twist brings new layers to the story that’s Guardians of the Galaxy meets Star Trek. New answers bring new questions, new questions bring new layers.

Adam Rose fantastically brings even more emotional depth to Corollary in issue 2. While there is still a great amount of world-building happening, it’s clear that this issue is focused on two characters in particular and what makes up their relationship. While the circumstances they find themselves in are unique to the world of Corollary, their relationship is incredibly relatable. It feels as real as my hands slowly scrolling through the pages of this issue!

Art and Lettering Beyond Compare

Speaking of slowly scrolling, Issue 2 is an issue you’ll want to take your time reading! Though it’s easy to get sucked into and read as quickly as possible, you’ll want to slow down to take in every detail of every character and creature’s face and every stroke of Robert Ahmad’s beautiful watercolor art. That’s right, this second issue of Corollary is all watercolors again!!

Ahmad’s watercolors were a magnificent surprise in issue 1 and it’s a happy surprise that they continue this issue. How someone manages to make watercolors look this good, I’ll never know! I couldn’t even do them in 5th grade!

Additional hats off to Ahmad for doing ALL the art- pencils, inks, AND colors. That is no small feat!

I also ADORE DC Hopkins’ lettering for Corollary. Hopkins is a brilliant letterer and this series is no exception. He is fantastic at creating the necessary differentiation between characters, voice inflections, and so much more that make Corollary flow so well. I kindly blame him for making this such a deceivingly easy read! I re-read this issue 3 times to make sure I found everything I missed- a fantastic problem to have!

At the end of this issue, I found myself pouting for the next issue. Yes, pouting!! It’s that great a read!!! It’s that fun!!

Final Thoughts

Overall, I can’t get enough of Corollary’s emotional depth and world-building. This issue proves that Corollary is a world that not only can expand beyond this arc but beyond its current characters.

Corollary is a world I want to see continue beyond this first run. RUN, Don’t Walk, to your LCS today to get this issue! And while you’re at it, tell me what your favorite creature is so far! I’m personally still drawn to the giant space dragons!

You can get issue 2 of Corollary at your local comic shop OR check out SourcePoint Press' site here!


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