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I had the pleasure to be joined by Adam Rose, creator of the new Sci-Fi adventure Corollary!

What the heck is Corollary?

Published by Source Point Press, Corollary tells a story like none other before:

"In Corollary, everything comes in twos, even the people, and if your twin dies — so do you. This is the way it’s always been, so when Captain Andromeda’s twin loses her life in a far-off military battle, and Captain Andromeda herself DOES NOT die, the universe demands answers."

Are you hooked yet? Source Point Press has a great way of picking stories that hit readers right at the source!

Tune in as Adam tells Lauren all about this series, where it came from, and how it could possibly continue! Thanks so much for chatting, Adam!

Final Order Cut-Off date (FOC) is March 26th!

Get those orders in so you're guaranteed a copy and support amazing creators like Adam!

Corollary, issue 1, releases April 20th!

Check out MORE preview of pages directly from issue 1 here

Find Adam Rose on Twitter:

You can find Your Friendly Neighborhood Bi, Lauren, at all her links here:


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