With this second volume, Vita Ayala's first big story on New Mutants involving the Shadow King concludes, and I quite enjoyed it.

I'm always a sucker for young superhero teams, they often feel so fresh and exciting to me, so it took me way too long to try out New Mutants for the first time. Possibly one of the first, originally, after the Teen Titans over at DC. Picked up the first volume of this on a whim because it looked fun, liked it enough to pick up this second one and I'm glad I did.
I thought there was a nice balance in these issues, between the original New Mutants, and the New, New Mutants, as it were. Giving both sets of characters enough time to shine and have interesting moments, as well as effectively bringing them together later on in the story.
It was an absolute joy to see Reis drawing more of the issues here, even if it was only a few of them. The fill-in artists were solid, but for me Reis is where this book really shines. It's such a painted, fluid style, with rich, vibrant colors that's just gorgeous to soak in. Some of the pages in here were dramatic, wild, action packed and just spectacular.
With the Shadow King story wrapped up, the end of the final issue of this volume teases the next story to come, so I'm looking forward to seeing where that goes when Vol. 3 comes out!
Have you read this? What did you think? Let me know over on Twitter at JoeLovesComics, where you can find (albeit shorter) thoughts on other comics I love.