Okay, not a lot of preamble here. This is kind of an infodump, but I want to share because this is a quite unprecedented opportunity to spend almost nothing, help a worthy charity, and get thousands of pages of actually-really-good digital comic books.
Humble Bundle has brought back its Dynamite Comics bundle, refreshed and expanded to offer over $700 in value on digital comics for as little as $25 for the entire shootin’ match!
What do I get for a dollar?
For one thin buck, the first tier, you get 3 digital comics. I say comics, but when you see ‘volumes’ mentioned, you’re talking about a collected edition, not a single issue. So a collection of, generally, four to six single issues. Usually complete story comprised of several issue-long chapters. Good reading!
Masks vol 1 - I have this, it’s fun stuff. Pulp-era characters Dynamite has the license for, all teaming up. The Shadow, Green Hornet, the Spider! Zorro! Green Llama, Black Terror, Miss Fury! The Black Bat!
The Twilight Zone vol 1 - Written by J. Michael Straczynski, this promises to be a fun horror anthology.
Vampirella Master Series vol 1 - From comics legends Grant Morrison and Mark Millar, this should be fun and pulpy and cheesecake!

Do they double the deal for a sawbuck?
A pretty good bargain but gimme more, right? Up the stakes a little.
For ten bucks, now you’re talking - 16 books! All of what came before, plus! Check this out! Oh, and here we start to see some single-issue comics in here, but you’re still getting complete stories. Fear not, the astonishing value continues!
Project Superpowers: Black Cross - Warren Ellis is a hell of a writer and this is a ‘Golden Age superhero noir thriller’. Oh, my!
Nancy Drew’s #1-5 - Kelly Thompson is an excellent writer and this looks like fun!
Sheena Vol 1: Queen of the Jungle - I have no experience with the talent, but I am down for Tarzan-analogue fun!

Vampirella Master Series Vol 2-4 - Wow. More pulpy goodness from Warren Ellis, Mark Millar, and others!
Lone Ranger #1-3 - Oh, this is good Western comics, yay!
Battlestar Galactica Classic vol 1 & 2 - Interesting, stories set in the 70s TV series continuity. Not familiar beyond knowing it existed, happy to check it out.

Bettie Page #1 - Hotcha, hotcha!
Chaos: Highway to Hell - Remember the cheesecake “good girl” quasi-horror comics Chaos! Comics was putting out in the 90s? Lady Death, Purgatori. Nice.
Ex-Con vol 1: Fading Lights - A comics crime thriller from the always-awesome crime author Duane Swierczynski!
Jim Butcher’s The Dresden Files: Welcome to the Jungle - Hey comics for that very readable urban fantasy series, neat!
Kevin Smith’s Green Hornet vol 1 & 2 - I have read these are they are good! Not to confuse with the controversy surrounding the Green Hornet comedy movie. Recommended.

Gimme more for under a Jackson?
Holy cats, this is GOOD! That’s a bucket of comics goodness to be had for a literal song. Lunch costs more than that bundle and that’s a lotta pages. Plus, something for everyone and top-quality comics at that!
Can it get better? It can? For a total of $18 (yes, still under $20, friends!) you can get all of that PLUS this magic!
Tales of Army of Darkness One-Shot - Nice, Ash, Evil Dead humor-horro fun!
Will Eisner’s The Spirit: The Spirit Returns - A comics master arguably as important as Jack “King” Kirby and his greatest character, revisited by the great comics masters of today.
Vampirella Master Series vol 5-8 - Yet more pulpy stories from greats Kurt Busiek, James Robinson, Pantha (?) and Mike Carey!
American Flagg Definitive Edition - Howard Chaykin, a giant of small-press 80’s comics and a master himself, with a restored edition of his masterpiece. Oh, heck, let’s just share some back-cover copy!

AMERICAN FLAGG! tells the story of Ranger Rueben Flagg as he navigates an American landscape that in retrospect feels more prophetic with each passing year. The winner of numerous industry awards including nine Eagle Awards AMERICAN FLAGG! is set in 2031 in a world ravaged by nuclear conflict environmental disasters and nationalism that had driven the United States government - and the corporations that owned it - to the relative safety of the planet Mars.
Ash vs the Army of Darkness - Yay!
Battlestar Galactica vol 1-3 - Stories based on the new TV series. I’ll take ‘em.

Game of Thrones #1-4 - Cool, cool.
Galactica 1980 - Awesome, more in that Classic continuity, I guess. So much comics!
Grand Passion #1-5 - James Robinson is a super fun writer and this looks like fun crime and romance! Love it!
Jim Butcher’s The Dresden Files: Fool Moon vol 1 & 2 - Cool, another adaptation of one of the novels, I guess. I liked those.

I drop a quarter, what’s it get me?
Astonishingly, there is a final upgrade you can purchase. For a grand total of $25 (practically free!) you ALSO get these added on. This should be a no-brainer, folks.
John Wick #1-3 - Yesss!
Skin&Earth - No idea but I’ll take it!
Swords of the Swashbucklers - Oh yes, #Musketpunk!
Undisputed Street Fighter: The Art and Innovation Behind the Game-Changing Series - I’ll take it!
Art of Atari - Sold!
Barbarella vol 1 - Oh, this is gonna be good!

Jim Butcher’s The Dresden Files: Storm Front vol 1 & 2 - Thank you!
The Boys Omnibus vol 1 - The Boys, ok. I could write a whole column on The Boys but I don’t review comics I don’t like. So yeah. This is probably half of (the great, but slumming) Garth Ennis’ superhero-hating hyper-cynical comic series that has been adapted for TV by Amazon Prime. It comes with the bundle. You might like it.
Dreadstar Omnibus - THIS IS WORTH THE PRICE OF THE BUNDLE ALONE! Jim Starlin is a still-living comics master and this is his 70s/80s creator-owned masterpiece. Space opera! More sweet back-cover copy!
Vanth Dreadstar, last survivor of the Milky Way galaxy, is on a quest to end an ancient war between two malevolent empires. Armed with a sword of power, Dreadstar assembles a crew including cyborg sorcerer Syzygy Darklock, cybernetic telepath Willow, Cat-like humanoid Oedi, and the freebooter Skeevo, seeking to bring justice to an unjust universe!

Django/Zorro Collection - QUENTIN TARANTINO AND MATT WAGNER! I was planning to get around to checking this out! Looks amazing, actually!
Elvira #1-3 - Should be fun!
Bob’s Burgers vol 1 & 2 - I adore Bob’s Burgers.
John Carter: The End - Edgar Rice Burroughs fans, represent! I’ll show you my ERB tattoo some time.
Mark Waid’s The Green Hornet vol 1 & 2 - Waid is another great one, working on a classic pulp character. I’m sold!

Neil Gaiman’s The Last Temptation - Gaiman is wonderful, full stop.
Red Sonja by Gail Simone vol 1-3 - Gail Simone is fantastic and her Red Sonja comics are priceless! This is great stuff!
Swords of Sorrow by Gail Simone: The Complete Saga - Gail Simone again! Yes! Okay, I’m so stupid-excited about this one, I’ll just paste another excerpt from the back cover copy:
The ultimate pulp adventure features Vampirella, Dejah Thoris, Red Sonja, Purgatori, Lady Demon, Chastity, Jungle Girl, Jennifer Blood, Kato, Lady Zorro, and many, many more! Villains and heroes from a dozen worlds and eras face off against a legendary evil that threatens all their homelands.
Written by Gail Simone, Mairghread Scott, Nancy A. Collins, G. Willow Wilson, Erica Schultz, and Leah Moore, and featuring artwork by Sergio Davila, Mirka Andolfo, Dave Acosta, Noah Salonga, Francesco Manna, and Cristhian Zamora!

As if this wasn’t enough reason, it’s Humble Bundle; they are awesome and part of your payment goes right to charity, Children's Miracle Network Hospitals.
Children's Miracle Network Hospitals raises funds and awareness for 170 member hospitals that provide 32 million treatments each year to kids across the U.S. and Canada. Donations stay local to fund critical treatments and healthcare services, pediatric medical equipment and charitable care. Since 1983, Children's Miracle Network Hospitals has raised more than five billion dollars, most of it one dollar at a time through the charity's Miracle Balloon icon.
Get this deal before it’s withdrawn 20 days from now! That’s just after Thanksgiving.

You can select to pay more, as much as you want and the more, the better. You can elect to send as much to charity as you want. It’s all designed to make me feel great about being comic books’ Number One Evangelist.
You can get the Fan Faves and New Hits by Dynamite Humble Bundle literally for a song and they will store them on their server forever, so you can download them and enjoy, knowing there’s a backup out there should you need it.
Enjoy .cbz-format digital comics in readers designed for them; they are available in desktop and mobile and I particularly recommend the experience of reading digitally on an iPad. The bigger, the better! Use any free or cheap app, I have used Chunky in the past and I like Panels right now. Save the files in your iCloud storage for super-easy access to import them into the app for reading.
Enjoy! I love you all and I hope you get the bundle! A lot of my personal cultural DNA is tied up in the pulp heroes and stories that live on in these comics!
Until next time, pals! See you in the funny pages! Subscribe so you don’t miss a thing!
Plenty of Pulp, by Max Cage
Simultaneously posted at Here We Are Now, Entertain Us and at The Wednesday Pull List, November 7, 2021