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For new releases 1/19/22!

Unfortunately, Lauren is self-isolating with covid and wasn't up to typing up longer reviews, meaning I’m going solo this week! Hope she gets better soon, but in the meantime let’s get into the latest Weekly Round-Up with my top 4 picks of the past week!

Joe’s Picks

#4: Devil’s Reign: X-Men #1

Marvel Comics

Writer: Gerry Duggan

Art & Colors: Phil Noto

Letterer: Cory Petit

I thought this was a great, well done read. It felt not only more tied in and relevant to the event, but also the X-Men side of the Marvel Universe as a whole at the moment. I loved how the politics were shown, between Emma, the X-Men, and how Fisk tries to implement his new status quo on them. I loved the art by Phil Noto, and the additional insight on the Captain Krakoa situation, ahead of X-Men #7, and the cliffhanger of Villains for Hire #1, which was interesting to see.

I know event tie-ins are always hit or miss, but I enjoyed this and I’m excited to see where it leads over the next couple of issues.

#3: King Spawn #6

Image Comics

Writer: Sean Lewis

Artist: Javi Fernandez

Colorist: FCO Plascencia & Ulises Arreola

Letterer: Andworld Design

This was absolutely epic, and exactly what a Spawn title should be. Bold, awesome, the creative team here has just been absolutely killing it on every issue. Lewis' has been giving the series some direction that the main series just does not have, and I feel like his writing style is a bit cleaner than Todd's, but still with that epic Spawn flair that makes it so special.

And that's not even mentioning the artwork. I've said it before, but it's the perfect blend of the current stuff on the main title by Carlos Barberi, where it's so animated and dynamic, but with all the darkness, shade and texture that made Jason Shaw Alexander's time on the title so iconic. Fernandez just nails it, and with the always awesome FCO (with help from Arreola) on colors, it's just so visually stunning and such a treat to look at. Especially in an action packed issue like this one.

Loved this, definitely recommend catching up on King Spawn if you like Spawn at all and haven't already!

#2: Bolero #1

Image Comics

Writer: Wyatt Kennedy

Art & Colors: Luana Vecchio

Letterer: Brandon Graham

“There is some great stuff coming out of the indie scene at the moment, but every so often there are series in particular that catch my eye. Series that I just have to check out. With it’s intriguing solicit and vibrant cover, Bolero is the next in that long line of series.

“This is going to be a spectacular, emotional series of heartbreak, parallel universes, and gorgeous art. If that doesn’t sell you like it does me, I don’t know what will!”

Won’t say too much more about this, if you want to check out my full review over on the GWW you can do so here:

Definitely one to check out if you haven’t already! This is going to be a great ride, I can just tell.

#1: Home Sick Pilots

Image Comics

Writer: Dan Watters

Art & Colors: Caspar Wijngaard

Letterer: Aditya Bidikar

I love this series so much, and I’m so glad it’s back for a third arc. I know everyone’s excited for the return of Saga next week after a few years, and so am I, but for now this returning after a few months just makes me so happy.

The previous issue ended on quite a cliffhanger to the arc, so I was very excited to get into this and it did not disappoint! It was just spectacular as always. Every issue just continues to show why it's my absolute favorite title on my pull list. It's fun, it's so incredibly energetic, the characters are great and I just adore Wijngaard's style. It's so vibrant and kinetic and such a joy to soak in every time a new issue comes out.

Between the bright bold colors, entertaining action sequences, ideas, and compelling characters, it's no wonder I finish every issue of this series with a massive smile on my face. That’s not even mentioning Bidikar’s stellar lettering. It’s so perfect for the aesthetic and the style and just adds to the whole experience.

There's not many series I could go on like this for, but that just shows how much I love it! Such a great read every single time it comes out. Highly recommend at least picking up the first trade paperback for yourself and seeing what you think, if you haven't already, I don’t think you’ll regret it.

What were your top picks this week? Let us know what we missed! You never know; your recommendation could end up on our lists in the future!

Come find us both on Twitter and let's talk comics and good times :)

You can find Lauren, Your Friendly Neighborhood Bi, at all her links here:

You can follow JoeLovesComics over on Twitter for (albeit shorter) thoughts on comics he loves.


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